7 definitions by FatdogTavern

It's what she did with it.
Long had my scrotum been unloved and full were my boys ready to bust. Then along came Elaine and 8it
by FatdogTavern December 12, 2015
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Ya. Me and some friends made this word up back in 1983 or 1984 in Brockton Massachusetts. A spleef is a marijuana joint. We also at the same time made up the word zabe, which was a term referring to a rolling paper. Making up terms and throwing them into the popular lexicon is like throwing shit against the wall, sometimes it sticks, sometimes not. Spleef stuck.

Two other terms we made up during this time referred to a woman's squishy spots. One was cum dumpster and the other was hog garage.
If we had a zabe we could roll a spleef.
by FatdogTavern March 27, 2022
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Someone who masterbates in the shower.
He was a classic hydroseeder and he sprayed his seeds upon the shower wall with groaning glee
by FatdogTavern December 12, 2015
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Blasting spudge. Either within the warm confines of a "friend" or spraying into socks, towels onto floors, sheets or various plumbing egresses.
His seed dumping was epic and her fields were willing.
by FatdogTavern October 22, 2015
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A person who can talk anyone into doing anything.
When I was born, my grandfather looked at me and said "That's the face of a ponzi!"
by FatdogTavern December 12, 2015
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The new handheld showerhead that I bought makes hydroseeding in the shower wicked awesome!
by FatdogTavern January 11, 2016
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A group of transvestites who also have a poop fetish.
The Apple Dumpling Gang came a calling last night again, but I had shat myself dry after a bender at Taco Bell and so could not help the. I feel real bad about that.
by FatdogTavern May 15, 2016
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