2 definitions by FaTa

A new term used by the "good" "pro" gamers after or in matches. Net is defined Not even Trying. The number sign is just a show off that you arent a noob.
"Wow U guys suck...im #net."
Player1: Why are you doing so bad?
Player2: Im #net...boored zzZzz

You guys are horrible, i let my sister play and she was #net..LOL
by FaTa September 6, 2006
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A new term used by the "good" "pro" gamers after or in matches. Net is defined Not even Trying. The number sign is just a show off that you arent a noob.
"Wow U guys suck...im #net."
Player1: Why are you doing so bad?
Player2: Im #net...boored zzZzz

You guys are horrible, i let my sister play and she was #net..LOL
by FaTa September 6, 2006
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