1 definition by FZ2012

A guy who is usually somewhat introverted who watches and listens to the world around him more than he talks. (In some cultures, these traits are considered admirable.) When mean-spirited girls (or douchebag dudes) treat him as if NOT being an aggressive loud-mouthed idiot is somehow bad and there is something wrong with him, he typically shuts down more. If, however, he makes an attempt to mimic their behavior in order to fit in and to get the heat off of him, they still withhold their acceptance and give him shit. He can't win. North Americans get real cunty towards guys with any level of intelligence or sensitivity. This dude would rather be writing a book or playing music or some other creative pursuit in arts or science than puffing up his chest and talking shit, therefore he will have great difficulty in all social activities, especially hooking up with girls. He's into girls but his fear of rejection is high from repeated abuse by them. He gets spell-bound by their beauty but finds it absolutely impossible to small-talk. If he could, he would, but he just can't do it. He doesn't know what to say or how to say it since he has be ridiculed too many times in the past. If he is the one in a million who gets some real level of fame for his creativity, these same people will kiss his ass in person and then continue to talk shit on him behind his back. As a result he tends to be a loner or keeps a very small group of friends that he can trust.
"That guy is looking at you."
What a creeper."
by FZ2012 January 14, 2012
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