14 definitions by F

A molecular re-arrangement device which transforms bread into toast and makes other types of animal's flesh/vegetation slightly more suseptable to being consumed.

a small oven.
put some bread into the toaster oven and watch it become toast in a matter of seconds.
by F April 16, 2004
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by F August 7, 2003
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The 6th Sign of The Zodiac.
Virgos are the Sexiest Sign in all The Zodiac. It is the only Zodiac sign represented by a female. "The Virgin.
"They are called the Virgins, but that dosent mean they act like one"
Virgos are actually quite sexual and love to please their partner over and over but they are not sluts, they would only do this when they are in a committed long-term relationship. They are a mutable earth sign (which means they adapt to change easily). Virgos tend to be organized, intelligent and helpful. Not all Virgos are like that (im Virgo and im messy and unorganized) There are many more factors that determine your personality besides your sun sign such as rising sign, moon sign, etc.
Virgos are born Aug 22 - Sept 23
by F August 7, 2004
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the method of injecting ecstasty in the mouth
'e' by gum - gettit. um me neither...
by F August 13, 2003
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The definition of being "IN" or "HOT" these days. To be Oelfam is to be cool.
Damn you are so oelfam!
I wish i was as oelfam as you
by F October 6, 2004
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BoH (n) - a)loose term for ex girlfriends vagina.
b) website ran by an angry brit, pHo
i read a post today on boxofhate.com aboutretarded Americans and their obsession for The Hulk
by F June 26, 2003
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