10 definitions by ExitRamp

in computer parlance, 4 bits or a mixture of 4 1's and 0's. Derived from IBM's term for 8 bits = 1 byte. A nybble is 1/2 byte
Bill, a Systems Analyst, was trying to locate the reason for a computer crash by examining a RAM dump. He scrutinized a particular nybble as a possible cause.
by ExitRamp May 15, 2004
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The secret little things we do in life when we think others aren't looking or when our curiosity is aroused by a sign that is posted telling us not to do something. Inspired by the corridor that you walk down for 20 years without touching the walls. Then one day you smell fresh paint and the corridor has been roped off with signs that say "Don't Touch - Wet Paint." An overwhelming urge comes over us to touch the wall. (See Briar Patch Effect)
The family was at the zoo and one of the boys saw a sign that said "Do Not Feed the Animals." He immediately walked to a concession kiosk and bought a bag of peanuts to feed the monkeys. He was inspired by the Wet Paint Syndrome into doing something he shouldn't be doing.
by ExitRamp August 1, 2004
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After Dropping a Deuce you wipe once and there isn't even a pale brown stain on the toilet paper.
The origin is Dow Chemical's Teflon that is applied to frying pans to keep food from sticking. Ronald Reagan was known as the "Teflon President" because no one could get any scandal to stick to him.
John: Sarah can you check my spokes and balloon knot? I just wiped and there wasn't any stain on the toilet paper.
Sarah: nothing there
John: Hey, I just dropped a Teflon Dump!
by ExitRamp June 4, 2004
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A scented tampon in use. The mingled odor of a scented tampon and a decaying fish.
If you chicks only knew how bad that cotton bouquet smells, you'd stop advertising the fact that you are on the rag.
by ExitRamp September 25, 2003
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mere or merely. A weak adjective or adverb that is a 'filler' word such as like. Sometimes used by songwriters to fill out the meter of their lyrics. Other than the latter group, the written or spoken sentence can get along quite nicely without the word.
What are you doing? "I'm just chillin'"
Reply sounds fine saying "I'm chillin'"
by ExitRamp June 23, 2004
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An unusually black and tarry load of feces. Extension of drop a deuceOrigination: Deuce = "#2"; Spades = a suit of 13 cards in a standard 52-card deck
Matt dropped a deuce of spades that was so black and sticky, the highway department could've paved over that pothole on Elm Street with it.
by ExitRamp June 23, 2004
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The result when you give an enema to a constipated Eskimo. (see BM)
Nanook had been backed up for eight days, so Nanna mixed whale blubber with ex-lax. Nanook dropped a huge "icey BM" a few feet from the igloo about 2 hours later.
by ExitRamp May 31, 2004
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