12 definitions by Execaters

A person or corporate entity that specializes in, or claims to be capable of, helping people fulfill their dreams, fantasies, or deepest aspirations. They are most often empty promises, and the recipients of such services are usually expected to pay a fee in return.
BEWARE of the words: "Come with me and I'll make you famous!" For they are usually uttered from the lips of Dream Merchants.
by Execaters April 24, 2018
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A hashtag containing an acronym.
#WTH is a hashonym meaning "What The Hell...!"
by Execaters August 22, 2014
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The art and practice of defining and classifying hashtags, using a method similar to the Dewey Decimal System, so that they may be applied and linked in logical and coherent order and context.
Hashmatics is also a practical method for eliminating extraneous search results and redundancy.
by Execaters May 27, 2014
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Below the underground. A place in which to retreat and not be found when seeking prolonged and uninterrupted self-reflection. Also a meditative state of mind in which to lose oneself and escape reality.
The subnether can be any place, physical or mental, in which to zone out.
by Execaters May 26, 2014
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A secretary, whether male or female, employed on an executive level (rather it be a private corporate or government entity) and invested with authority to represent that entity outside its physical location and abroad.
Hilary Clinton is the perfect example of an Execretary.
by Execaters May 26, 2014
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