29 definitions by Evil-Ernie

A special 'jeep' version of the British car the Mini. Open topped with a square body, used in the 60's TV series 'The Prisoner' . Kit build versions are also known as the 'Scamp'. Although they looked cool and like a 4x4 , on the body is differnt from the original Mini, so the chassis is only 2 wheel drive, 10" wheels and the same suspension height making it not very good at being off-road...
'My dads moke looks cool, but it cant go off road, heck! it struggles with small bumps in the road let alone cross country! lol'
by Evil-Ernie June 6, 2003
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To be both pissed and smashed . Can also be used to describe being off your face on illigal narcotics..
'I drank 20 pints last night, I was completly Smished!'
by Evil-Ernie May 20, 2003
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Industrial city in the centre of England. My home town. Second city in England, biggest city next to London. Famous for having world class curry houses.
'Birmingham Rocks!'
by Evil-Ernie May 29, 2003
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means 'you know'
'Yak-no what you mean brother..'
by Evil-Ernie May 19, 2003
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Cold (weather). An example of it would be - "It's a bit Pearl
Harbour out here!" Meaning - there's a nasty 'nip' in the air.
by Evil-Ernie July 15, 2003
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The invisible device that ensures your safe arrival home after a booze-cruise, even though you're too pissed to remember where you live, how you get there, and where you've come from.

"I got home by using my beer compass last night"
by Evil-Ernie July 16, 2003
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Another spelling of cack or cak, meaning shit or something inferior..
'That new Good Charlotte song is cac!'
by Evil-Ernie May 29, 2003
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