30 definitions by Evil Bella

1. One who acts slutty whilst under the influence of marijuana.

2. One who will perform sexual acts in exchange for marijuana.

3. One who smokes weed often, and is sexually promiscuous.
Oh wow, Cindy is such a stoner slut.
by Evil Bella October 23, 2004
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A first-year student at a high school or university. Tends to travel in large packs for protection.
There are two types of Freshman. The cocky kind that think they are the shit, and recieve a respective ass kicking. Then there are the ones that realise they are not the shit and give proper respect to upperclassmen.
by Evil Bella October 23, 2004
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My best friends 11 yr old sisters band name. She doesn't really play an instrument. Neither does her one band mate. They have one song. Schoolboy. Its alot like "skater boi". They drool over Avril Lavinge. My adjective for stupid wannabe-punk little avril lavinge fans.
by Evil Bella January 8, 2004
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A misunderstood and underestimated instrument. Some retards with no musical sense think that a bass player is a lesser form than a guitar player but they don't realise that in many songs, a guitar would sound very shitty without the bass. Same goes for the guitar, a bass sounds... boring without a guitar. The two go hand in hand, whether added synthetically or actually played. I am a bassist and I have never layed hands on a guitar, they just don't interest me. So alot of bassists aren't failed guitarist. I chose to be a bassist because I love the sound and have an appreciation for its importance.
by Evil Bella January 8, 2004
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A state in which you are not under the influence of any intoxicating substance.
When you aren't drunk, stoned, or tripping.
by Evil Bella March 5, 2005
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Singer for the German Industrial Band Rammstein
Till Lindemann : german-licious :P
by Evil Bella January 8, 2004
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Whenever the surroundings around you are unfamiliar and you're stumbling around like an idiot:
you're either lost or intoxicated...
...or both.
Also a terrible show on terrible American television.
by Evil Bella November 28, 2004
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