7 definitions by Evelynne

Dude man, you're gaining some weight. You already have a jobble!
by Evelynne December 1, 2007
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An adjective describing the strange sounds made in the depths of ones body.
I must be hungry or something because my stomach is all burbly.
by Evelynne December 1, 2007
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"He probably thinks it's funny when he breaks into the 'berries and cream' dance, but everyone else thinks it's so randumb.
by Evelynne December 1, 2007
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1. An imaginary disease that causes one to be uncontrollably emotional.

2. A word used when you can't excuse your bitchy behavior with "I'm PMSing" because you used it a week and a half ago.
I'm sorry I snapped at you today, I just have a bad case of the grumpies.

by Evelynne December 1, 2007
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A hobbit sex toy named after a famous explorer from the Shire.
Samwise should probably buy his girl a dilbo.
by Evelynne December 1, 2007
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sophie is the best person ever and i hope she knows that i love her and that’s she’s so nice and she deserves the world
person: “omg why is evelynne smiling?”
me: “oh! i’m texting sophie”
by Evelynne November 5, 2021
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