116 definitions by Evan

When Shannon (a pretty burly young lady with extremely tangled, mangled, and wheather beaten red hair)Rides on her 4-wheeler or watches Anime (particularly Ghost In The Shell)while picking at her face or looking for flea or tick like creatures in her hair.She also is known by nay-nay and hates the word "Rack"
Elle Sappelle Shannon!
by Evan March 10, 2005
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when a guy puts his nuts over the eyes of a female and places his penis near the top of the mouth.
Steve gave Cynthia a Bulgarian Gas Mask... She loved it.
by Evan April 19, 2005
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another, cleaner (less foul) way to say ballsack, incase you happen to be around family, the elderly, or small kiddies
Dude way to go..you hit that girl on the ass,and she thought it was me..so she hit me in the b-sak
by Evan April 16, 2008
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1. To sing carols from house to house at Christmas

2. The act of grabbing the shaft of ones erect penis in one hand and using the palm of the other hand to rub the head in circulur motions. This can usually only be done for a few seconds at a time due to the head of the penis being so sensitive and giving the male a very intense overwhelming feeling.
When masturbating and no one is looking, i often like to Wassail for a few seconds.
by Evan February 6, 2004
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when a girl isnt quite wet enough, you like your own fingers inableing them to slide right on in
man..i had to pull out a damper last nite
by Evan October 11, 2005
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A guy who farts alot and he is so gay that his mama told him"hey man , you gay" And the life of him was gaysome.
Man farty McGurkin is such a fag that farts too much hes almost as querr as "YO MAMA"
by Evan September 18, 2004
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when someone uses sneaky language in an attempt to make good with you.
to backstab, blackmail, extort.
"I know this cell phone was my idea but I can't pay you till next week!, dont you remember that dinner i payed for last week? "
by Evan January 4, 2005
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