2 definitions by Eurocat

Definition of T-REXTING

1 : sending a picture of a tyrannosaurus rex via text message
2 : the act of pretending to be a tyrannosaurus rex
Those kids spent the entire class T-Rexting.
by Eurocat March 9, 2011
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A unit of measurement used to define length, weight, power pressure, and currency. These measurements include MicroRex, CentiRex, KiloRex, DeciRex, MilliRex, MegaRex, GigaRex, TerraRex, DecaRex, MacroRex and Rex.

The numerical values for all means of measurement are based on the T Rex. Jaw Pressure, height, width, length, mass, and BTU's are all defined by those directly equivalent to that of a T Rex.
Feet no longer exist, except for the ones at the end of your legs. All previous values of measurement have been eliminated. Making way for the universal Rex. Feet, meters, joules, pressure, miles, grams, liters, gallons, inches, watts, all of it is now a Rex
by Eurocat March 9, 2011
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