29 definitions by Erin Montgomery

To give word, to betray. To leak information or inform on someone.
"They knew we were coming. Some traitor barked."
by Erin Montgomery April 30, 2010
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An expression that means news, local gossip, the facts, the mood in the air. Chant is whatever everyone is talking about right now.
I went to the pub around the corner and asked the bartender for the latest chant going around the neighbourhood...
by Erin Montgomery May 1, 2010
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Crushed with great force; maybe in a stampede of concert fans, or perhaps run over by a pedi-cab or bus.
"Sorry I look such a wreck. I just got trolley-womped back there."
by Erin Montgomery May 1, 2010
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A slovenly fop; one finely dressed, but dirty. This term's also used to refer to mobsters, who appear nice on the surface, but are nasty thugs underneath.
Sure, the capo's son dresses nice, but he's a beau-nasty brute underneath that suit...
by Erin Montgomery May 2, 2010
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An adjective meaning worse than crazy, clueless and stupid all put together. The opposite of hende. An unhende berk is rude, ignorant, and incompetent.
That unhende waiter is horrible! He got my order wrong three times, spilled soup on me, and spent all night checking out my wife and flirting with the waitresses instead of serving his customers!
by Erin Montgomery May 7, 2010
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The business of thieving, or anything else illegal or shady in nature such as the black or grey markets. Fencing, stealing, and smuggling.
I make my money the modern way, I cross-trade stolen merchandise and contraband on auction websites and invest my jink based on insider stock tips...
by Erin Montgomery May 1, 2010
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A potential victim of a scam, a gullible fool.
That gully will fall for anything a cony-catcher puts in front of him.
by Erin Montgomery May 2, 2010
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