5 definitions by Emmo

An orgasm so dry, you swear it could be powder. It results when a man has blown his load a lot in a short amount of time.
By the fourth time that weekend, Dave was pretty much dealing his girlfriend straight Tal-Cum.
by Emmo April 19, 2014
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one's own pet or familiar aquaintance, associated with an air of abnormality and a unique nick-name for only one of your friends.
'emmo you are my shpuddle. Are you proud to be my shpuddle? *blinks rapidly in an anticipating fashion* '
by Emmo January 31, 2004
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Is the female equivalent of a “spank bank.” It is a list of people a woman may imagine when masturbating, usually with a vibrator.
Damn, Dave’s looking fine tonight. I think I gotta add him to my vibe tribe.
by Emmo July 2, 2020
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A person (typically a man) who is completely unable to communicate feelings of any kind. Nothing's getting in, and nothing's getting out.
You think your boyfriend is emotionally retarded? I told Bob I loved him, and he started talking about pizza. He is an emotional Helen Keller.
by Emmo April 15, 2013
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usually associated with emmo, although this is not through emmos own fault. The nooper came up with this marvy terminology, and tends to use it an awful lot.
*holds nose and rasps violently* 'did you parp AGAIN? emmo? did you?'
by Emmo January 31, 2004
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