4 definitions by EmilyElle

Originates from various grade schools with rams as mascots. A dorky, school-spiritish term meaning, of course, "fantastic".
"Those are all your announcements, Central, have a ramtastic day!"

"Kenner C.V.S: We're Ramtastic!"
by EmilyElle August 10, 2005
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Said when a person hooked up or entered a relationship with someone that was not really a great person or a good match for them, but they were attractive (or, at least, their eyes were).
"You know, Cindy, you were a mistake. I never meant to sleep with your father that night... damn his eyes!"

"Would you stop following me around? I don't like you! We just made out that one time... damn your eyes!"
by EmilyElle June 21, 2006
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From Livejournal culture. User shared_boxers made a rainbow banner with the simple words "marriage is love" (pertaining to gay marriage).

The banner caught on and users started posting it on their Userinfo pages, along with making rainbow-coloured "colourbars" with various fandoms (e.g favourite movies, books, actors, etc), saying underneath "{Insert fandom here} is love".

The term "X is love" has now sneaked its way into everyday conversaton.
Marriage is love.
Did you see that girl's shirt? That's love!
Oh man. Katherine Moennig is sexy sexy love.
by EmilyElle January 6, 2006
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First said by Bender in the Breakfast Club : "I think your old man and my old man should go bowling", to Brian.

Said when two people need to talk, and has also evolved to mean when two people are just so similar they have to get together.
"I think your old man and my old man should go bowling."

"Your mom is insane... my mom would never do that. I think your old woman and my old woman should go bowling."

"Our boyfriends sound so alike! I think your boyfriend and my boyfriend should go bowling."
by EmilyElle August 15, 2005
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