12 definitions by Eman

A Web bookmarking system that allows users to have their bookmarks synchronized between multiple computers and browsers.
Yo, I am totally going to chipmark this webpage.
by Eman April 14, 2005
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a portable mp3 player - the 21st century's answer to Sony Walkman(and Discman)
"I hope my girl gets me an i-pod for Christmas."
by Eman November 10, 2003
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adj. Amazing online, terrible on LAN. (Refers to online games such as counter-strike and other e-sports that can possibly be hacked)
He is so e-mazing, he dropped 30 in his CAL match yesterday, but at TFL he was 1-14.
by Eman September 2, 2005
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When having sex with your woman doggy style, you pull out and, without notice, stick it in her anus.
Man was my girl surprised, I gave her the old fisheye from behind.
by Eman January 8, 2005
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The act of shitting ones pants.
Hurry up and pull over before I foam my panties.
by Eman November 21, 2003
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Something that is way narly.
See: narly

Another use is sonar as in so narly.
What's it like to kiss a smoker?
1) An ash tray, 2) the floor of a barn,
3) I don't kiss smokers, 4) I smoke, therefore I have no taste buds.

It depends on how horny and or drunk I am. If it’s on, then It's not an issue at all.

Otherwise I think it's waynar.
by Eman August 6, 2004
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aspects of a dangerous thing or situation which could lead to serious injury or death.

(from "trike", or the 3-wheeled motorized ATV, which have since become illegal to manufacture, and in some places, even use due to the high number of fatalities caused by their flipping backwards and killing their riders).
"i hear the trike factor on this new audi is pretty scary."
by Eman November 14, 2003
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