39 definitions by Em

the best friend anyone could ask for, the one who is willing to randomly throw milk at lunch, sneak out of the house just because, run across to the movies when we are allowed to be there, and so much more. she has saved my life and showed me reasons to live the easiest person to love.
wow she is almost as great as bootle(but not even close).
by Em February 10, 2004
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A delightfully sexy man, generally worldly wise and well acquainted with the internet. Absolutely irresistable to all females, with eyes to die for and a delightful body.
Damn, last night was so good he could have been a jonti.
by Em January 10, 2004
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Something that is more fun than something else. Comes from The word fun, but it's for lazy people who don't want to say more fun.
Wow, painting is much funner than drawing.
by Em August 16, 2004
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A Japanese product, available as an anime, manga, or drama, following the exploits of Eichi Onizuka. "GTO," as it is more commonly known, promotes drugs, sex, and the rights of teachers to beat up students. A true gem of society.
Have you seen that GTO? That's some great shit.
by Em February 8, 2003
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man, ive been sitting around all day, the trechia is out of control.
by Em July 3, 2004
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Can mean anything, but for the most part it is used to annoy anyone who does not know what it means. Generally used when someone says something stupid, you reply huego, just to piss them off.
A: I didnt know eggs came from chickens!"
B: Huego.
by Em March 5, 2003
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Person (male or female) who are under the impression that they are the ruler of the world... or at least the establishment they are getting service in. Basically a person who expects to get what he wants in a store, restaurant, etc., with no regard to policies or laws.
B: I had the shittiest customer this morning!
C: What happened?
B: She expected me to take her friend's credit card, and when I told her I legally couldn't do it, she bitched me out and called over my manager screaming that she'd never shop here again!
C: Sounds like a classic entitlement bitch to me.
by Em May 2, 2005
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