29 definitions by Elmer

A term used to describe a male having sex with a female. 'Nuff said... See: Hittin' It, BUMP N GRIND, Sexing, Pay The Rent, and the list goes on and on...
"Yo son, are you gettin' in the guts with that girl or what?"
by Elmer January 21, 2005
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The act of taking a jizz on a woman's ass while she's still wearing her pants. The result of the man's unwillingness to wait for sex with his old lady creates a white stain on the woman's pants that is extremely difficult to get rid of.
Jerk #1 - "Yo brotha, there's a white stain on the back of your girlfriend's pants."

Jerk #2 - "I know. Last night I was so anxious to have sex with her, but I ended up giving her a cum bum instead."

Jerk #1 - "Word."
by Elmer April 10, 2005
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The great Greek goddess of pussy. Most often placed on a pedestal by men who feel that pussy is something that is very hard to attain.
"You know what your problem is? You're making the pussy out to be some sort of Greek goddess named Pussalia and you're putting it on a pedestal."
by Elmer December 25, 2005
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A combination of the words "All," "of" and "That." Together they are pronounced "All of That," or a shorter version is just All that.

It is a word used to praise or compliment someone or something for being on top of his/her/its game.
Jerk #1: "Ey, check out that girl down the street. Man she's alladat!"

Jerk #2: "Yemen."
by Elmer May 30, 2005
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A term used to describe a woman that a man settled for.

The man ends up settling for just about any girl willing to be with him out of fear that he might end up dying alone. It means that the man was unable to attain the "gold medal" (the girl of his dreams) and ends up settling for any girl that is willing to be with him.
Jerk #1: Dude, why did you ask that girl out? Man she was uuug-ly!

Jerk #2: Michelle just broke up with me so I figured I'd settle for Lois. She's my Silver Medal.
by Elmer January 28, 2005
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To kick one's ass using the ancient martial art of Karate.
Some guy arguing with another guy at a dojo: "I know we learn Karate so we need never use it, but I'm gonna have to Karatesize your face for hitting on my biatch, sucka!"
by Elmer April 24, 2005
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A one letter abbreviation of "Jumper". It refers to a person's shot in basketball.
Some cocky assclown: "Yo dawg, I know you not puttin' that Rock up from here 'cause you ain't gots no J."
by Elmer January 21, 2005
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