4 definitions by EliteNinja26

A state of mind sometimes found in academics and intellectuals who become so wrapped up in their intelligence and their studies (their "Ivory Tower") that they become disconnected from the rest of the world. Often produces attributes that make for unpleasant social interactions, ranging from severe shyness and introversion to arrogance, haughtiness, and pride.
Dr. So-And-So used to be such a great person until they started working in academia. Then they started losing touch with the world around them and developed a severe case of Ivory Tower Syndrome, and now they think everyone with an IQ less than 120 is an "ignoramus."
by EliteNinja26 July 17, 2023
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An alloy sometimes used in science fiction, and a combination of the words "plastic" and "steel." It is supposedly an extremely strong metal that is flexible and durable. Notable mentions of this metal can be found in the Star Wars franchise and the video game RimWorld, as well as other media.
The body armor was plated with plasteel, ensuring that it would be easy to wear and provide substantial protection.
by EliteNinja26 June 27, 2017
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Someone who sells their freedom, morals, independence, soul, etc. in exchange for material wealth and worldly pleasures. (In other words, a sellout of the worst degree.) These people are typically lapdogs of the dark overlords that run the media and entertainment industry.
Ben Shapiro is often hailed as a prodigy, but he’s really just another ticket taker. He sold himself to the media industry and now he’s a spineless cuck who only does what (((they))) tell him to.
by EliteNinja26 July 30, 2023
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One of the many processes by which Big Brother, the Illuminati, etc. program the masses to do what they want. Involves carefully placing hidden symbols/imagery inside media, most often TV shows and movies, to subliminally implant certain thoughts or ideas into the people consuming the media.
Disney’s classic film “Pinocchio” may appear innocent enough, but upon careful examination you’ll see attempts at symbolic hacking by means of satanic symbolism and imagery hidden in plain sight.
by EliteNinja26 August 16, 2022
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