3 definitions by El Magnifico

NCK: o.o;
El Magnifico: o.o;
NCK: O_o;
El Magnifico: o_O;
by El Magnifico January 9, 2005
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the common name for equations in chemistry that involve balancing electrons and compounds.
Actually called '"Ox"idation and "Red"uction' = "RedOx" = Redox.
Balance this redox equation...
by El Magnifico March 12, 2005
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Originated from the Titanic disaster, a very British expression to describe a disastrous situation that is rapidly worsening, heading straight and quick to an inevitable disaster with no possibility of a any positive outcome to the degree that there is no point in even trying to save the situation.
I've had a look at the sales figures, Debenhams is sinking fast.
Terry was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, he is sinking fast.
by El Magnifico April 20, 2020
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