1 definition by Eddiehashiv

A means of evaluating another person's character through a series of unannounced, inconspicuous examinations. Developed by Eddie, it serves to define which people are desirable company and which should not be associated with. As a general rule, a test-passer is a good person while a test-failer is a bad person.

Passing the test results in the joyous proclamation that "You pass the test!"

Failure of a test is announced simply by saying "You failed the test." This phrase is often used to show general disdain for a person's existence.
"You didn't make eye contact while saying 'thank you.' You failed the test."

"You forgot to hold the door open for me... failed the test."

"You passed the test - you offered me a piece of sausage from your pizza."
by Eddiehashiv March 17, 2006
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