11 definitions by EEwisewolf

(1) a plant with a yellow head

(2) a plant that is made into a drug, currentlu illegal
(1) damn weeds growin' in ma garden again, gotta buy some weed spray

(2) yo due wanna get high wi me?
by EEwisewolf April 18, 2008
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theres loads of defs so ill sum it up really simple = a black person who is too smart and/or rich to be black

also a nice cookie, recently started selling in the UK
just leave the guy be, at least he knows what 4+6 is

do you eat an oreo layer by layer or like a sandwich?
by EEwisewolf April 18, 2008
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the single most annoying glitch a game can have, it disconnects you from the server for no reason, this is quite complained about in air rivals, an mmo flight sim/shooter

sometimes called a winsock for short
bobby123: how do i fix this stupid winsocket!??

uberman_79: just google it bish
by EEwisewolf April 30, 2008
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a town in lancashire, not excactly a chav hive, but has chavs, there is a cross near tesco that dates back to the saxon times, some sort of military training hut, and a continental market
guy 1: i went to that continental market in leyland yesterday, look what i got! *holds up an ornate vase*

guy 2: how much?

guy 1: ... fiver...
by EEwisewolf April 27, 2008
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one of the most famous, and largest, criminal gangs, mainly full of idiots who think killing is cool, their main (and probably only) enemy is the crips, and the cleverest thing the bloods evwer did was make a complicated hand sign
the definition is above you! but ok heres yer stupid example

bloods cant get along with crips cause crips are crips, weird eh?
by EEwisewolf April 17, 2008
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indiana jones, han solo, and other stuff, at least, they were his best roles
harrison ford is great, need i say more?
by EEwisewolf April 17, 2008
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1. a catholic religous leader

2. an online MeMe
1. the pope had a lot of power when the normans were in britain

2. haha, this pope MeMe is the shit

by EEwisewolf May 22, 2008
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