34 definitions by Durango

Someone who wants no change to their favorite video game series. They are the reason why some series become stagnant with no new ideas because fanboys whine about them, so when the new games come out, they can complain about how similar it is to predecessor and thrive on old games. They contribute absolutely nothing to the future of video games.

While it's true that great games should never change their formula to the point that it alienates their fans, purists take it too far and seem to be against any good new ideas that may affect their series in one way or the other.
Purists will whine about any new change that comes their way. Whether it was multiplayer in Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, third party characters in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, or any idea not mentioned by the creators for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, a purist will continue to whine that their series must stay the same until we all die.
by Durango January 9, 2007
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In video games, it's when you collect a bunch of a certain item in order to power yourself up.
Orb farming in Devil May Cry 3.
Soul farming in Castlevania: Aria/Dawn of Sorrow.
by Durango December 30, 2005
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Stands for "In My Opinon". The most insecure way to state your opinion. Used by those afraid to get into a big argument with someone who disagrees with them.
Using IMO makes you a pansy of the internet message boards. If someone barks back at you for stating it as a fact, let them. If they don't understand that it's an opinion, that's their problem.

by Durango September 14, 2006
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In Mario Kart DS, someone who uses Snaking to win in online or multiplayer matches.
That Snaker always beats me! It's like he's using a Mushroom through most of the track!
by Durango January 2, 2006
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Edge's phrase, from WWE. It basically means "count on it", but since Edge won the "Money in the Bank" match in Wrestlemania 21, he used that title, in conjunction with the aforementioned phrase, thus making, "Bank on it".
Edge starts talking about how he's going to beat someone or get the title, and ends his statement with "BANK ON IT!"
by Durango February 23, 2006
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The soldier lying outside of Kraid's lair in Super Metroid. He has a lot of green bugs feasting on him.
The dead soldier played no vital role to the story, but somehow became popular among the Super Metroid forum of GameFAQs. The Nintendo equivilent of The Green Biker Dude.
by Durango September 8, 2006
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a bunch of gansta rappers who know they suck pole. White boy, surburban pole.
the so solid crew made that priest's cock SO SOLID.
by Durango May 13, 2003
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