34 definitions by Durango

The above definition, plus:
To me truly mcguyverable, you need to fix things while sporting a mullet and acid washed jeans.
by Durango May 13, 2003
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I hate taking responsibility for accidents. It's not my fault that something I have no control over happened. If it was completely under my control and it happened, that would be one thing. Something you have no control over is a different story to me.
by Durango September 28, 2006
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Term used to describe an old Gay Man , with cock breath .
Don’t be a Bobert. Next time. Brush your teeth after visiting a glory hole
by Durango August 20, 2019
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Based off of official art of the villain, Kefka, from Final Fantasy VI. His clothes resemble lettuce, and this picture quickly became popular among the denziens of GameFAQs' Board 8.
Lettuce Kefka pic causes unfortunate losses in the Summer Contest matches.
by Durango January 11, 2006
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Designed after the Grim Reaper who goes by the same name, Death is a recurring boss of the Castlevania series. Loyal right-hand-man to Count Dracula, he swings a big scythe and his attacks normally consist of smaller sickles flying around to attack you (occurs in just about every game he's in). Death also usually either transforms or powers up his scythe when battling him. When Death is defeated, he either just vanishes like other bosses or is sent into a portal (this happens in 3 games in the series).
Death is loyal only to those who have the Crimson Stone. Dracula took the Crimson Stone from Walter and, thus, Death turned on Walter and took his soul. As long as his master is alive, Death will continue to live on, hence why he, along with Dracula, is always in every Castlevania game.
by Durango June 11, 2006
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Dracula Vlad Tepes

Main villain of the Castlevania series. Killed by the Belmont clan and ressurected time and time again. Dating back since the 11th century, when he was Mathias Cronqvist, best friend of Leon Belmont, he used the Crimson and Ebony Stones to become the dark lord, Dracula, and didn't appear until several hundred years later, when Trevor Belmont took up his ancestor's whip, the Vampire Killer, and went to slay Dracula. Of course, since then, every 100 years, he would resurrect. Premature resurrections were not rare, either. When a dark being calls Dracula back to life, a new adventure must begin.
Dracula is the main villain of the Castlevania series, the lord of darkness. His main attack is to teleport around a room and launch three fire balls at you. He can also shoot volcanic lava balls, drain you, or turn into a giant bat demon.

Dracula also had a son, Alucard, who hates his father and cursed bloodline, and also assists the Belmonts in stopping him.
by Durango May 5, 2006
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In Dragonball Z, it's the power boost a Saiyan gets whenever he recovers from a mortal wound after losing a fight to an opponent.
Zarbon beat Vegeta to an inch of his life, but let him live. Vegeta, having lived the battle, got a zenkai and made a full recovery inside the healing tank of Frieza's ship. Zarbon was killed by Vegeta during their next encounter.
by Durango August 30, 2006
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