1 definition by Duexis

The act of firing one's lasers, typically annihilating the victim completely, this term originated with the comical short flash film: "Syntax Error 2", and was made famous by the youtube film: "The Lazer Collection".
Shooping or Shooping Da Whoop, as it's known in verb tense, is done with an eccentric cartoon expression with bulging eyes and a wide gaping mouth. It's often known to be done at random.
Head of Common Mockery: "I am the head of common mockery. I will grant you three wishes."

Random Boy: " woa, is that true? Are you really gonna grant me three wishes?"

Head of Common Mockery: "No. My real purpose here is to FIRE MY LASERS, GAGHH!!!"*Shoop Da Whoop*
by Duexis September 3, 2007
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