6 definitions by Drum Boy

Made in 2002, Do Over is one of the best shows ever to hit TV. Currently on Friday's at 2:45 a.m, Do Over got cancelled by the sleazy merchants at WB.

A full season of 21 shows were to be made but that got changed to 19, 15 of which were made, 11 of which will be shown on UK TV (Channel 4).

Do Over is about Joel Larson, a 34-year old paper-seller who gets sent back in time to his pre-teens. This all happens due to a defibrillator being on and his sister applying it to his head.
"Joel Larson is 14 today... Trouble is he was 34 yesterday."
by Drum Boy June 25, 2004
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A fat shit who screws people other than his bimbo secretary. After the Labour party reshuffle they axed 2 guys and instead of putting this fat shit on a diet and cutting him out, they kept him in.. REMOVING HIS POWERS but still letting him keep his houses, the cars and him keeping his 6 figure salary!

So basically the twat sits on his arse eating pies and wanking off in his 'office' earning more than the highest paid man in Britain.

When he isn't jerking off he's in the House of Commons having the piss ripped out of him anyway. Why the fuck doesn't he just quit?
JP - I'll be eating your pie before too long.. 'Lo Bob.

Rodney Carrington - I got a 12 inch dick and a dozen rozes..
John Prescott - I got a 2 inch dick and a dozen pies..
by Drum Boy May 31, 2006
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When one utters the words 'SMOKE A B!' It basically means to smoke some marajuana.
"Hey yo let's go smoke a B!"
by Drum Boy May 19, 2004
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Drum Boy.. is..

"Hi, I'm Drum Boy at your service"
by Drum Boy January 24, 2005
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One hell of an anti-socialist group of people who do nothing except for drinking at the local park all night. For their modes of transport it is usually a kids UNIVERSAL bike with the seat as high up as it can go. But when they are old enough (smack bang on their 18th birthday) they buy a car (mainly a Vauxhall Nova/Corsa, Renault 206, Fiat Punto or a Ford Fiesta) and before passing the test they add bits of cheap plastic to the body (cheap and nasty, like they are), a device for the exhaust which makes it sound loud (to collaberate with the 'blingin choons') and have at least a CD Player which has 3 bass boosts so they can be heard approaching from miles away.
(See also townie)
'Howay ya wanna gan doon thar toon in me new blingin motah?'
'Aye we'll fork oot on soma dat soida and gan to da park for a drink!'
by Drum Boy May 19, 2004
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(See Sega Master System).

The bitch that started off the whole fucking games console market seen today. Without this then kids would have been bored as fuuuuuuck!
Dude1: Duuuude, I just got myself a handheld Tetris game. I wish I could play this on my TV.
Dude2: I got me a Master System from SEGA. I have Tetris for it. It fucking owns your mam's balls!
by Drum Boy September 18, 2004
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