1 definition by Drakeblade

A person who intentionally displays poor grammatical skills. These individuals are most prominant on the internet and online games and like to use acronyms such as STFU (Shut The Fuck Up), FTL (For The Lose), and and OMGWTF (Oh My God, What The Fuck). They will use these mash up of words at any and all given opportunities.

In the gaming spectrum, a Noob is not someone who is new to a game. That would be a Newbie. There is nothing wrong with being a newbie as you have to learn somewhere. However, a Noob is a person who has had some experience with a game, but still plays it poorly, acts like an asshat, and insists that they are elite (1337 in their own words) and that everyone else in the game is a "noob." Yes. Noob is one of those few words where the word itself is actually part of it's own definition since anyone who even uses the word "Noob" in a serious manner is a Noob himself.
This is based off a true incident. It saddens me that some fellow hordies in World of Warcraft act this way.

Idiot: OMFG u sux! Ur gear iz FTL. I own u noob!
Me: Really now?
Idiot: Ya wutever. I r 1337! watch dis.
(The idiot proceeds to duel me in attempt to prove that he is superior, which ends in him being smeared into the ground and me standing over his dead body)
Idiot: WTF hax!
Me: Yeah. You were right. You sure are elite.
Idiot: STFU Noob!
by Drakeblade March 18, 2008
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