16 definitions by Dragonbreathp9d

One of the creepiest and most involving reads you will have in your life, its a story about a House that is alive, not in the gay "Monster house" way, but doors and hallways that are pitch black constantly appear. Read it. Be sacred.
House of Leaves is one freaky ass book!
by Dragonbreathp9d August 10, 2006
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C'est la vie. Thats life, thats how it is. Life goes on. This is from Vonnegut's classic Slaughter House V.
by Dragonbreathp9d July 11, 2006
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Dearling-Darlingest mumsy and popcycle.
by Dragonbreathp9d July 12, 2006
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"A complete douche bag who is also a dumbass. This word was invented by Jimmy, and became a fad at his school, although no one but him and Crake knew what it meant." thinks Snowman.

From the novel Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood
Bush is a cork-nut.

"You need to watch your drivin' cork-nut!"
by Dragonbreathp9d August 4, 2006
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The act of masturbating to porn while at your friend's house.
Dude! If you're gonna pull a Jerrod at least shut the door!
by Dragonbreathp9d August 7, 2006
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1: The act of taking a shit, literrally, a number 2.

2: The act of taking a shit so large, two flushes were needed.
Man, my bathroom always smells after you drop a duece!

"Toilet almost got clogged..."
"You drop a duece?"
"Yah, I shoulda flushed twice but I didnt."
by Dragonbreathp9d August 14, 2006
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