8 definitions by Drago Nino

Influence by a toxic environment.
For the love and enjoyment of maximum and unhealthy tension.
This homeless shelter is so disorganized they don’t even care to help the folks coming in. Everyone is arguing and fighting and they’re keeping the toxicity going while trying to figure out how to control the tension. It’s like they enjoy what they’re doing.It’s Ultra Madness (revamped) in this godforsaken place.
by Drago Nino February 6, 2023
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1. When a black man is consumed by white culture he has rejected his blackness.
2.when a nigga is being an Oreo
3.When a black person acts entitled when their really and ignore the harsh realities of the world.
4.Racist toward other black folk

5.Blending ing with white people

6. Absorbing white propaganda

7.Ignorant fool
8. Disconnected with their racial identity
A nigga was losing his goddamn mind, yet he saw this kid acting nice and polite and pleasing white and shit he call him a Black Caucasian. Light skinned muthafuka.
by Drago Nino December 21, 2022
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1. Beyond Extreme
2. When a environment is so toxic and out of control that may influence an individual or other persons display bad behavior.
3.Far Beyond Driven. Almost to the point of no return unless there is structure and safety in a facility.

4. Out of control. Damn near dangerous.
These nurses at the institution are so bad at their job they let the patients act out and do as they wish, however, they say that their caring but they are complicit in their actions. There is a lack of safety, there is tension and there is apathy. This can only be described as ultra madness.
by Drago Nino December 21, 2022
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New Term.
Just some jackass who won’t just shut up anything and everything.
Is a bother amongst others.
Doesn’t know when to fucking quit.
No quilt nor shame just an annoyance amongst their peers.
This guy keeps bitchin about how he’s been played by some girl who ghosted him on a date. Whining like a girl. Annoying piece of shit, get over it.
by Drago Nino February 6, 2023
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A lame hashtag that a video game voice actor comes with in dissing devoted fans of the Bayonetta series.
A gamer nutting over a naked witch.
Hellena Taylor is so shallow she calls Bayonetta fans Bayonutters
by Drago Nino November 17, 2022
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When your mental health is affected.
When you feel like you can’t sleep or think straight.
And when you want the racing thoughts to but they keep coming back.
A boy is having trouble dealing with everyday life because he his so anxious and so frustrated, beyond to point of no return, he feels that he believes that life like an Endless Nightmare.
by Drago Nino January 23, 2023
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Checking someone out constantly.

Being an admirer, but taking it to far.
Just mad horny.
An opportunist at getting sex.
Perverted son of a bitch.
Jimmy got so excited to get Laura’s attention, while sexting Samantha and Jax. He wanted to have all three, but keeps looking at more girls and catcalling them. He’s a Grade A Perv, he doesn’t quit.
by Drago Nino February 9, 2023
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