28 definitions by Dr. Real Nasty

96 is a relationship that has gone sour and needs to be repaired or ended.
Dick and Virgina's honeymoon period quickly turned into a 96 and they are going to marriage counseling.
by Dr. Real Nasty January 11, 2023
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A CRAPON is a person who befriends or takes unusual interest in another person with the predetermined goal of getting that new "friend" or victim to do something for him/her such as borrow money from the victim, stay at victim's place, borrow the victim's car, etc.
That new fake fuk crapon fiend played Dick out of al most $2,000!
by Dr. Real Nasty January 8, 2023
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The nasty, conceited, pompous, narcissistic, and fucked up behavior demonstrated assholes.
That fucking salesperson was full of ASSHOLINESS!!! The manager should fire her conceited ass!
by Dr. Real Nasty January 11, 2023
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"DNF ME" means "Do NOT Fuck Me" or even think about it or try to think about it.
Dick Johnson tried to DNF ME buy offering me next to nothing for my Playboy magazine collection from the 1960s!
by Dr. Real Nasty February 7, 2023
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Noun: One who attempts to manipulate a person or group by making a concerted and continuous effort to brainwash the target with his/her Simulated Reality.

Verb: What a FUCKHEAD does; ie, attempts to manipulate a person or group by making a concerted and continuous effort to brainwash the target with his/her Simulated Reality.
"Every instructor I had this year was a complete FUCKHEAD who taught their own agenda and SIMULATED REALITY. The tried to FUCKHEAD us every fucking day and we had to pay to be tortured by this bullshit just to get college credits and hopefully a job when we graduate. What a scam!"
by Dr. Real Nasty January 5, 2023
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Noun: A motivated employee or person who is trying to perform a task or complete a responsibility without having the knowledge or ability to properly do so.
"I am amazed how excited he is to help but he will be in the way and slow us down because he is a MOTIVATED IDIOT."
by Dr. Real Nasty January 5, 2023
A FART SMELLER is often mistaken as a Smart Feller or a Smart Speller. The difference is that a Fart Smeller also smells farts.
That a-hole is such a Fart Smeller and always gets a 100 on the spelling exams!!!
by Dr. Real Nasty March 5, 2023
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