28 definitions by Dr. Real Nasty

NOUN: A company or entity that uses its meta-strong power to headfuck and intimidate individuals and companies to stop doing something anywhere in the meta- or physical world that they do not like by claiming that whatever is being done is illegal EVEN THOUGH IT IS NOT.

VERB: The act of being a cyberbully.
Person 1: I recently received two nasty, intimidating and traumatizing emails from the Legal Team of one of the TOP CYBERBULLIES IN THE WORLD!

Person 2: Why the fuck are they bothering you? You are a simple Internet entrepreneur just like the people who started those mega-meta companies used to be.

Person 1: They fucking accused me of "Trademark Infringement" bc I created a new domain called Fakbook.net which has not even been used yet; it's only virtually existing! I do not understanding why they are harassing me for no reason at all other than to protect themselves from me. Lol! Hopefully, they will not wet their legal pants because I also created several more domains including, but not limited to FakeBuk.com; FakeBukMe.com; RealFakeBuk.com and FarceBuk.com. I checked their complete Notice of Trademark Infringement and I did not find anything that claims that this company HAS COMPLETE CONTROL OVER THE ENTIRE FUCKING ENGLISH ALPHABET; even if a domain is NOT IN A COMPETING BUSINESS AND POSES NO POSSIBLITY OF CONFUSION TO THEM!!!

Person 2: Those assholes really abuse their virtual and real meta-strength. This CYBERBULLY really seems to overstep its r self-deluded meta-power!!!

Person 1: Ya, they are fucking assholz. It's bad enough what I am going through. This particular company is one of the TOP CYBERBULLIES IN THE ENTIRE METAVERSE!!!

Person 2: Fuck'em! I think I'll stop using them and encourage others to do the same to those mind-controlling assholz.
by Dr. Real Nasty January 6, 2023
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A Virtual Body Fuck (VBF) consists of one humanoid animal taking advantage of a human being by using whatever means necessary up to and including narcissistic behavior to get something from or something done by another person. The result is a virtual new hole in the victim's body due to a Virtual Body Fuck.
Virgina Cox really asked for a Virtual Body Fuck VBF)) when she let Richard Johnson back into her life; I mean pants, whoops I mean bedroom.
by Dr. Real Nasty February 7, 2023
A PENIS PIERCE is the result of making a hole with a sharp or otherwise instrument such as a knife in a male humanoid's penis; regardless of choice or willingness.
Dick Johnson was naked when he was sharpening his knife and accidentally dropped it in his lap resulting in a Penis Pierce.
by Dr. Real Nasty February 9, 2023
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Cranial Flatulence is a more refined term for and synonymous with Brain Fart which is when a person is simply cannot recollect or remember something or even what he was in the middle of doing. It happens to females also.
Dick had a case of CRANIAL FLATULENCE and his horse ran out of the barn over to Virgina's house for a quick visit to see her box.
by Dr. Real Nasty January 13, 2023
A person who is willing to accept less of anything that is due to him or her. The definition is based on the punch line of the following joke:


A: "A person who will do anything for 25 cents!"
"Pat keeps fucking themself over by working as a QUARTERSEXUAL for far less money than she is capable of earning with his skills. She needs to be told that they has a lack of self-esteem that will cost him over a hundred thousand dollars over the next couple decades of work!"
by Dr. Real Nasty January 5, 2023
When an employee is required to work on Labor Day.
My last employer was a asshole and completely in love with money. He made everyone work on Labor Day every year so we called it Slavor Day in his dishonor! Fuck him for fucking us! Lol!!!
by Dr. Real Nasty January 11, 2023
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LARRY THE COOLEST! is ALWAYS the COOLEST! guy wherever he goes - as opposed to wussy non-Larry wussies (or is it pussies?) Once again just to clarify, LARRY THE COOLEST! IS ALWAYS THE COOLEST! AND HE DOES NOT PLAY MUCH BUT WHEN HE DOES, HE IS THE COOLEST! AND PLAYZ TO WINZ AND HE WINZ WHEN HE PLAYZ!!!

Please be sure to keep in mind that Larry the COOLEST! is the COOLEST! guy wherever he goes; especially compared to those tuna smelling non-Larry the COOLEST! posers who constantly emulate Larry the COOLEST! when he is acting the COOLEST! which is 24/7/365 and basically all of the time and space including when he is sleeping or ordering a #2 in the bathroom at McDonalds.

The bottom line is that it's to cool to even try to imagine being LARRY THE COOLEST!!!

I'm sure everyone in the world with a functioning brain agrees with this statement. GTG A-holez!!!

Footnote: There are some guyz named Larry who are not as cool as the True One and Only Larry the Coolest! (ME and MYSELF AND I AND THE 4 WALLS) bc there is only one of me. Got it?

If you are a guy and having a hard time with your friend Richard, feel free to contact Virgina Johnson for some sympathy. Ladies who feel tense, perhaps like they need a nice release or five to relax their pelvic area and rest of their body can contact Dick Johnson for assistance. Larry the COOLEST! told me to tell you that he made sure that everyone would leave this definition with a smile. GN, soon you in the morning. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Some days I just wonder how it would be to be Larry the COOLEST! OF THE COOL PUSSY MAGNETS! He gets ever girl, guy, disease and everything in between that he wants and doesn't want.

It's not easy bein' Larry the COOLEST!

Having to spend each day
The target of the ladies' droolings,
When I think it could be nicer
Bein' Dick or Peter or Putz
Or something much more uncircumcised like that,
It's not easy bein' Larry the COOLEST!
It seems you blend in
With so absolutely NO ordinary things
And people tend to follow you around and emulate you
'Cause you someone they cannot be
Like be able to think quickly and plan ahead in life and avoid drama

So I can look at the stars in the sky.
But being Larry the Coolest! since the moment I was born
And the nurses fought over who got wipe the shit off my baby ass,

And baby crap can be stinky like watery nasty adult diarrhea

Or just regular smelly dog or weasel crap by a river or a tall tree
When there's no chance in life to ever be like Larry the COOLEST!
It could make you wonder why
But, why wonder, why wonder?
I'm green and it'll do fine
Because I'm from Mars and you are from Uranus!!!
by Dr. Real Nasty February 22, 2023
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