16 definitions by Dr Merkin

A social occasion, popular in Brazil. Women and men take laxatives and defecate on one another. Projectile sprays of faeces are considered the height of good form, and are usually rewarded with polite applause.
Dear, we have been invited to a diarrhoea picnic, can you pack the enemas?

by Dr Merkin October 13, 2008
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A phrase to describe a large amount of blood, paint, tomato juice, originally coined in the 60s to describe the tomatoe orgy popular in The Village in NY, now used by reporters inveigled by the Thai red shirts.
All these Thai red shirt rioters with their paint, and OMG blood, it's like a menstruating whale snatch, yeah!

That expression captures the overwhelming red so well, I hope it makes it to Urban dicK
by Dr Merkin May 14, 2010
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The plume of blood that appears in a syringe chamber when injecting, suggesting that the venepuncture has been successful (Drug user slang)
Usually I can't find a vein but yesterday I got a register first go!
by Dr Merkin September 28, 2008
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(v) To have anal sex with Governor Sarah Palin. May also refer to having anal sex with author and comedian Michael Palin.
John McCain: Whoa, that Republican cocktail part was wild, I got me some palinanalize action!
Mrs McCain: Gross!

Terry Chapman: I would love to palinanalize you Michael
Michael Palin: Aren't you dead?
by Dr Merkin October 13, 2008
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Undertaking sex work, working as a prostitute. (1970s Australian slang)
Sarah is cracking it for money to buy drugs.
by Dr Merkin September 28, 2008
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Noun; Disorder characterised by an overwhelming, intrusive and pathological desire of the sufferer to procure and consume male semen. Usually refers to collection of semen via sexual acts, although victims of the condition may also scrape residue from toilet walls or glory holes. Some years ago a famous group of Scottish semenophiliacs carried out an armed robbery of a Glasgow fertility center, making off with several litres of frozen spunk.
Dave: Bertha, this frig is full of little packets of mayonaise, most of which taste a bit musty!

Bertha: Dave, it is time I told you: I have disease, it's called semenophilia, and I am getting help.

Dave: So what about the mayonaise? (he isn't too bright, our Dave)
by Dr Merkin December 28, 2010
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(n) The practice of spreading one's butt cheeks and wiping one's ring on furniture, car seats, pillows etc. as an act of revenge or prank
Man, your coffee table stinks, who been ass marking it?
by Dr Merkin October 13, 2008
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