17 definitions by Downtown wtf

1. another name for a lampost
2. a tall and lanky figure
3. a fireman
1. look at the baldip its very dim!
2. that must be the tallest baldip ever!
3. lol that baldip saved that cats life!
by Downtown wtf January 9, 2008
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when a man shoots sperm into a womans pussy hole from a further distance then having sex, the man then leaves for the sperm to be absorbed by the pussy
Jane: wow last night Rick gave me something better than sex
Katie: really what happened
Jane: he wanted to shoot the hole so i let him and it was the best
by Downtown wtf August 23, 2007
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a boy/man who is so addicted to the smell of girls/women that he would do anything for it
Tom: dude, why is Nick all over Tracey
Mike: don't know hees been like that all week
Tom: he likes the smell of girls, thats perverted you know
Mike: yeah what a bitch sniffer

by Downtown wtf August 23, 2007
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Once I saw the light i quit this game, at the moment the people who play this game still need a mum or dad. Andrew Gower who is apparently #31 richest in the world, has got all his customers to worship him.

Runescape is a MMORPG based in the old times, people chat about it and have fun on it. The fucktarded thing with it is that Jagex do not give a shit about it, .

Along with that, there are Quests and Minigames which you can play including: Castle Wars, God Wars and Pest Control. With that there are skills and combat where you can indulge in. Cooking is the main skill and is favourited by "skillers".

Making friends on runescape is so easy, just ask some gay retarded 3 year old to be your friend and he will say "yes plz, plz free stuff". The players of it have now become zombies and cannot wait to try out their new tactics as soon as they get home. 50 year olds play the game to get a pixel friend or wife. This is the lamest thing ever, a wedding in pixel form.

It's the most addicting game and the hardest to quit, it has connections with WoW but personally I think WoW is much better.

PKing, short for player killing is famous, so famous that Jagex decided to remove it. Before this update, you could kill people at get their items and teleport or run to safety, or share items with your PKing partner.

Membership is waste, $5 a month and you get more benefits which are shit and don't matter. £3.20 or so for the UK. Phone and Mail are used to get member pins.

Macroers are Andrew Gower's wives they spoil the game for him that he gets a spaz attack and ruins the game. If you start this game, then you better quit for the best. This game was amazing at first, but as you get on its actually boring.

Videos of runescape is all over the web and almost impossible to avoid when searching for some stuff. Players of Runescape type in 1337 all the time.

Dont play, dont delay, do it and you have to pay, make the wrong choice and you end up gay.
Andrew's son died in wildy so his dad decided to take it out. His dad was so upset when his son "bob" lost 1gp in a fight.

Runescape is gay, quit before its too late.

A 40 year male old asked me to be his bf.

I lost my plastic sword irl, time to eat my fish, oh shit I choked on the bones.

Every one wants to suck Andrew Gower's mum.

boy: I buy santa hat 20M! Please sell me, Miss Fisher!!
teacher: erm..ok nerd..

boy: Im gay
girl: me 2

I cant wait to try out new updates!!!

Oh shit my mum died, time to play runescape to clear my worries.

dad: Joe please come for dinner!!
girl: no thanks i just ate a full meal on runescape.
by Downtown wtf December 17, 2007
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Slang. When a person is insulted or dissed it means they have been parred.
Richard: What time is it?
John: Time to fuck your mum.
Kenny: Eeey blud dat's a par!
by Downtown wtf October 2, 2009
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Very sexy girls that originate from Eastern Europe, mainly from Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Ukraine, Latvia and so on. They are known for their very sexy and slender bodies and most have natural blonde hair with blue eyes. Their thin bodies show that some could be anorexic and some Eastern European girls are fat but this is very uncommon in that part of the world. Most prostitutes come from Eastern Europe. They are the most beautiful women in the world and most speak English with a very sexy accent.

Unfortunately there would be a few that would steal your money after marrying you and would run away after the 3rd day of marriage. Eastern European girls like to live in english speaking countries; especially England, America and Canada.

On the plus side, they are very friendly and they love black and asian guys. They don't eat fast food and put American girls to shame in beauty contests. Some Eastern European girls can also be quite lazy and some don't work at all. You don't have to visit Eastern Europe to see them, just travel to London or New York and they will be there.
Adam: Hey Joe check out this picture of my new girlfriend and she's from Russia.
Joe: WOW, shes fucking hot!
Adam: Yeah, Eastern European girls are so beautiful.
by Downtown wtf August 10, 2009
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the day after new year's day, its the day where everyone starts getting ready for school, and work after the holidays.
my mom said that on new year's boxing day i have to study...
by Downtown wtf January 2, 2008
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