7 definitions by Douches

A scale from 1 -5 used as a factor when computing one's sanity. The factor is only applied when one has to spend large quantities of time in Chemical Engineering in Halif0fax with Bob Bob.

One should note that the Bob Bob Factor is directly proportional to the analness of Bob on a particular day...
Jeff: "My Bryden, you seem rather insane today"

Bryden: "My Bob Bob Factor is through the roof... We just had a 2 hour CPST lecture together..."
by Douches November 25, 2004
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1. Jeff Green is a NASCAR Nextel Cup series driver.

2. One who can be found in public bathrooms passed out on the floor with his pants around his ankles. Security guards often will poke him with a stick and call an ambulance.

3. One who can be found studying Second Year Engineering at a university in Halif0fax, rumoured to be in Canada, for at least four years and still not know what type of engineer he wants to be. If found in Fifth year please see "Chris Fedora".
1. Bob: "Who really cares about Jeff Green?"

2. Security: "Cancel that ambulance... This Jeff Green is awake now."

3. Random campus bar goer #1: "Isn't that Chris Fedora?"

Random campus bar goer #2: "Nope! He's still a Jeff Green."

Random campus bar goer #1: "Maybe I should give him my deoderant then..."
by Douches November 25, 2004
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One who seeks out payment in the form of fecal matter. If payment is not provided post haste, it will be taken forcibly by means of a latex glove and a tabletop. On occasion a hook may be used.
Shit Pirate: "AAR, you owe me for that hamburger! Pass me your feces."

Frightened Industrial Engineering Professor: "Oh bullocks, a shit pirate and me without my Je-Fairy"
by Douches November 25, 2004
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Used when travelling in a large passenger vechicle with a rather "experienced" college coed who spends more time below the view of the rear view mirror than visable in it...
Concerned Driver (aka Dad): "Chris what's the slopping sound?"

Disturbed passenger (aka Mom): "Mary, FACECHECK!!!"
by Douches November 25, 2004
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Jeff's balls are about 3 inches in diameter. They are green and hairy. When in public, Jeff will often expose his balls as a way of calming a crowd. Often in a fit of anger Jeff will whip one of his balls at someone who is misbehaving. Most people prefer not to come in contact with Jeff's balls.
Joe: "Indemnity form blah blah blah, impeach blah blah blah..."

THWACK! (Joe hit by Jeff's balls)
by Douches November 26, 2004
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Worn by Canadian engineers as a symbol of their commitment to safety and their obligation to society. It is a symbol of humility, and inspires confidence in the general public.
Civilian: "What is that interesting ring on your pinky?"

Engineer: "This ring represents my commitment to the public as a Professional Canadian Engineer."
by Douches November 26, 2004
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Often known as the president of the university Engineering Student Society at an unknown university in Halif0fax a city rummored to be in Canada...

Although known by his "real" name while attending electrical engineering classes and at church with his mommy, he is known as, and feared by, his "friends" as "SATIN".
When returning from the bar, one is often prompted to ask: "Satin, are you done puking up those fish scales yet?"
by Douches November 25, 2004
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