1 definition by Doppel

Cream is sweet, like dessert, should be FEMININE.
How the hell has it become slang for male ejaculate instead of a woman's tasty kinky peach juices?

Cream: slippery body fluids a woman's wonderful genitalia excrete when she is sexually aroused. Also, female ejaculates from strong orgasms, usually after much whip cream making excitement has occurred.

You make whipping cream in a bowl, a woman's bowl (#7), a guy can add his cum to her cream, but the best cream flows from a woman and does not squirt out from a man's hydrant--which is more like tapioca,eggwhite, or blended tofu than being ANYTHING like CREAM---wonderful woman's cream.
If a woman is a screamer, you can even call it scream cream.

re. earlier entry. Yes, cream referred to violence (usually juveniles, especially in 60's and 70's), as well as sports ("cream opposing team" instead of "beat opposing team). At the time, besides "creaming" someone referring to causing physical pain some (usually male juveniles)called dodge ball "smear the queer"(schoolyard wilding), homophobism then was even worse than today.
An old sigline I thought up for a sexually oriented message board joining the forum got you discounts from the "toy store"thinking of _____ who tore out my heart: If you've been a really good bad girl needing punishment, after your spanking, I'll spread open your thighs for the rest of your whipping, the Tongue-lashing a really good very bad girl deserves. Forced to make whipping lash cream and melt in my mouth if not in my hands.
I'm kind of old, ____ wasn't, once emailed something about me knowing when I've got it right as she'd make plenty of CREAM for me. So it can't just be regional(____ lives 1000's miles away in the West) or generational(she's not old), so how about some FEMALE cream defintions?
by Doppel September 22, 2005
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