2 definitions by DontPlayTheHateGameThePlayer

BLUE TEXT GOES: When Ghetto Spread stops trending, we die.
Person 1: Ahoy, have you seen that guy on UrbDic?
Person 2: No, why?
Person 1: I don't know man but when ghetto spread stops trending, we die.
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Ljosnuo (eng. to ljos) is a Serbian term used to describe an action usually done by drunk people. When you are "ljosnuo", it means that you have drunk enough to the point of no return. It is usually followed by a 2 day coma.
On the phone.

Person A: Hi, are you still coming to my house to hang out later?
Person B: *unintelligible sounds followed by a loud crash noise*
Person A: Ah, I see, ljosnuo si. Have fun cleaning yourself up. Munem.

Don't be like Person A, call a police on him ajd get him arrested.
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