18 definitions by Dont-Be-Skurrd

1. A potent beverage that used to be called Mad Dog 20/20, but the company decided it was better for business to change it to MD 20/20 (yes that is much better -?-)
2. To stare someone down:
A) in response to an initial provocation or
B) to start a fight, or to start shit with another
1. 'Man that Mad Dog had me on tilt last night, sorry if I tried to get with your sister'
2. 'I mad dogged that nuckka until he pussied out', 'I mad dogged that police and that's how I got 50 stitches in my head'
by Dont-Be-Skurrd June 13, 2004
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Coon-ass (cajun french) for Runt
'Ha Ha, Peeshwank can't get over the fence'
by Dont-Be-Skurrd June 13, 2004
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Stank Breath, usually missing some teeth.
'Dayum hoe yo shit is fucked UPPP. Where your teef go Yuck Mouth?'
by Dont-Be-Skurrd June 13, 2004
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Dallas Ebonics for Over There

Also see Skurrd, Hurruh and Skerd

Must sound as if you have a mush mouth when you say it.
'Where you get that black n mild from?'
'Over therruh.'
by Dont-Be-Skurrd June 13, 2004
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Dallas Ebonic pronunciation
Also see
Skerd, Hurruh and Over Therruh
Why you Skurrd Dawg?
by Dont-Be-Skurrd June 13, 2004
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To be big, with large muscles.

Usually one gets 'Swole' or 'Swole Up' while in prison because of excessive lifting weights.

In Texas usually pronounced Shwole.
'oooooooooooie that nuckka is SWOLE!!!!!!'
by Dont-Be-Skurrd June 13, 2004
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Dallas Ebonics for 1.Here or 2.Hair

Also see Skurrd, Skerd and Over Therruh
1. Gurl get yo fast ass over Hurruh
2. Oooooh gurrl I see you went and got your Hurruh did
by Dont-Be-Skurrd June 13, 2004
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