6 definitions by Don L

the best term for weed ever, cause ya know hes from the green party.
yo you wanna smoke some ralph nader?

you know it hook it up.
by Don L January 24, 2008
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the absolute worst type of chotch there is.
Al: Hey let me borrow a dollar yea.

Bob: Uh...no.

Al: Dude your a chotch rocket.
by Don L January 25, 2008
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based off the pokemon hypno, it is another term for the alcoholic drink hypnotiq. Mostly said in the south side of chicago.
Yo man i gotta little dumb yesterday, i was on that pokeman son.
by Don L January 25, 2008
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something you would say after an another individual thinks of a dumbass idea.
Timmy: Hey guys lets go to the art show.

Justin: Or we could light our balls on fire.
by Don L February 15, 2008
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a crazy drink involving a mix of hennesey, cranberry juice, and x-rated. Called charizard because of its red color
Lionel: yo son ima bout to get dumb on this charizard!

Don: i know right!
by Don L October 30, 2008
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