20 definitions by Don Gulliver

when a male does a tuck, he "tucks" his penis and testes back through his legs which encompasses the look of a females genitals
does it look better tucked or untucked?
by Don Gulliver April 6, 2003
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its when ur get so cold your nuts shrink and schwrivel up.
look at how small that guys sack is!!!
"shutup i have got a nut freeze"
"sure you do, HAHAHHA"
by Don Gulliver April 5, 2003
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Its when you are having dinner before you get laid, so you feed your girlfriend a curry. Then when having sex with her you give it to her doggy style and hence from the curry she farts, warming ur dick and nuts
My heaters were all broken on a winters night, so instead i got my girlfriend to give me a tandoori dip
by Don Gulliver May 16, 2003
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an eyebrow which is in fact like the normal two eyebrows that most have, except it is joined in the middle to create one super long and hairy brow, known as the mono brow. This is common in retarded, and exceptionally hairy people.
WHOA! that guy has a mono so thick boy scouts could camp under it
by Don Gulliver April 7, 2003
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