80 definitions by Don

A company that rocks, on the cutting edge of research and development.
* Idiots Bitch Mercilessly (about IBM's dominance)
* It's Bill (gates), Motherfucker!
* Inventiveness, Brains, and Moxie
* I Blast Mutha Fuckas
IBM rocks.
by Don September 13, 2002
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When a woman with a very loose vagina places her twat on a man's face so that he can't breath.
Roeland's mom Barbed Cal, when they were going at it last night.
by Don March 20, 2003
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A Black Sabbath loving, hilarious, pale, meaty-breasted individual with no-chin who never is one to turn down a Cleveland Steamer. For further reference, see eatabullet/dot/com
See also: Jimmy Robinson and Opie and Anthony
If Jim Norton received a hummer from a transvestite, then why can't I?
by Don February 18, 2005
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The sound made when u cut someone deeeeeppp; relating to how to get dat papa, pht is used for people who need to get sliced n' diced with everything nice
"ahhh pht u good!" said Bobby, as he cut the shit out of Tom.
by Don May 30, 2004
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another name for sizurp or: One part strawberry soda (8oz), one part cough syrup, one teaspoon crushed codeine.
Beanie Sigel - Purple Rain: Please don't blow my high, when I'm sippin on that purple rain. I know it might sound crazy/it keeps me lazy
by Don April 14, 2005
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The most well made bikes currently being produced. Despite popular belief, the bikes produced by haro are not crappily made. The bikes can sometimes cost more than the average bike, yet pay for themselves with high quality parts like three peice cranks and Alex Triple Wall rims. People like to think that posers ride these bikes, but it is only the highly skilled riders who need a costly and well made bike such as the Haro Backtrail series, or the Haro F series (I am 14 and I am an owner of both, I got mad skills!)
Highly Skilled rider#1: Dude, my Haro F3 will never break!
Highly Skilled rider#2: Dude, I know my backtrail X1 has perfect frame geometry for the trails man.
by Don January 14, 2005
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A homosexual.

Typically a homosexual that prides himself on being gay, and needs everyone else to know it.
Those Flag boys are being far too loud.
by Don September 25, 2006
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