26 definitions by Dominique

A young person from ages 5-11. But remember, age DOES'NT matter MATURITY does.
Immature Kid: gurls arent supose to like spiders and footbal
Mature Kid: Um well I do! It doesn't matter if I'm a GIRL.
by Dominique February 8, 2004
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Your inner nastiness, particularly, the naughty part of your psyche you cover up with a facade of normalcy. The term was created by the 90's band Jack Off Jill.
'We are all candy-coated on the outside, but peel away the skin, and we're rotten on the inside... Everyone needs a taste of lollirot...'
by Dominique January 2, 2005
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Of or pertaining to something disagreeable or undesireable. Having the characteristics of crap.
Example 1:"Man, i failed every one of my classes, i lost my wallet and my dog died. I am having a craptaculous day."

Example 2:"Oh my gosh, did you see her polkadoted shirt paired with those plad boy shorts? Boy does she look craptaculous today."
by Dominique March 22, 2005
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The most stupid show ever! Three kids try to stop some dumb villians and the show isn't even realistic! I mean who can beat a villian by just throwing a rope and it ties them up?? Theres this one guy thats blue he really looks stupid. Avoid this show.
"Teamo Supremo!"
and other stupid stuff that I can't even remember.
by Dominique February 13, 2004
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