36 definitions by Dominic

The term used to a situation that is extremely humiliating. Looking back on something you had done which is dumb/immature. Often accompanied by the thought of "What the hell was I thinking."
Yo. Why did you ...... when you went to that club. Oh man that is so blursh.
by Dominic October 2, 2004
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A person who goes to Churchy and shags animals especially dogs up the butt. Zoomers are known to have a lot of money and shag eachother when there isnt a hairy animal in sight.
ZOOMER! ZOOMER! ZOOMER! haha look at that ZOOMER! yo that ZOOMER just shagged that poor little puppy. Yo ZOOMER i bought ya a puppy.
by Dominic October 10, 2004
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A resident of Hockessin, bearing all the distinguishing marks therof:
- Fake designer bag/items
- At least one mercades, BMW, or acura in the family fleet
- Hopped up on some type of upper or downer
- Feels superior to all others, resulting in the identifier of impatience in long lines.
That bitch jumped right in front of me at the WaWa counter. She's a real Hockessien.
by Dominic February 2, 2005
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Whoooha is another word like a slutty white girl. Often decked out in rocawear and von dutch, these specimens normally spend most of their time listening to rap and r&b and watching BET.

Also see: nightrider.
I went to this bar thursday and all I saw were whoooha's
by Dominic October 5, 2004
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this guy is such a noob he kills ppl and is a very well known as bser. if u see him dont fight him
hey im beatensword please die!! fucker!
by Dominic November 30, 2004
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Celebratory term for all-purpose use.
Derived from the sound made when slapping one's thighs/shank.
"I've scored... BOOMSHANK!"
by Dominic June 4, 2004
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is a combination of whore and slut, meaning girls that are easy to procreate with but requires inebriation. For example, Those slurs need to come over and party with us.
Those girls from town are slore. Why wont those slurs come over sooner.
by Dominic April 22, 2004
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