22 definitions by DoktorJ

I just bought a c lot, lets go to the club and make some ends!
by DoktorJ December 15, 2005
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Marijuana slang:

When the word 'neighbor' is used as a reservation for the second hit of a joint, another person in the circle can optionally call 'neighbor after neighbor', which garuntees him or her the third hit. Some circles even allow 'neighbor after neighbor after neighbor'. This practice can result in very impractical, convoluted rotations which are usually forgotten about halfway through the joint.

Many circles do not honor 'neighbor after neighbor' and it usually has to be argued for. But, if smoking in a large group of people its the best way to get a quicker turn if you forget to call neighbor.

Some smokers opt out of the whole 'neighbor' system and instead adhere fanatically to Bob Marley's advice 'Pass the Dutchie to the Left Hand Side". These people are soulless robots with no imagination.
After Lynn called 'neighbor', Jon called 'neighbor after neighbor', which made him 3rd in rotation, despite the fact that he was way across the room and there were a bunch of people between him and the joint.
by DoktorJ December 15, 2005
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To rectify an undesirable situation via the process of smacking down upon hos, tricks, marks, and bitches.
I had to smacktify the situation and make those bitches smackognize.
by DoktorJ December 15, 2005
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A woman of ill repute, who has slept with so many others, her genitalia has acquired a foul smell.
"The witness can't be trusted because she is a stank ho. She stank like a million other dudes, Your Honor."
by DoktorJ October 26, 2014
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Time of night when crackheads are out on the streets. Usually used to imply a scandalous or shady time of night, like 3 AM in the ghetto.
Some bitch woke me up last night at crack thirty in the morning just so he could score a gram off me. What a punk.


We can't ride the subway at crack thirty in the morning, we'll get mugged!
by DoktorJ December 15, 2005
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Verbal version of 'raising the roof'
"I just scored a kilo of that pure. Pop pop!" (Raises roof)
by DoktorJ December 15, 2005
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When someone tries to put an optimistic spin on an unfotmunate situation, but has a sarcastic intent, and ends up subtly coming off as an asshole.
"It's cool that you have no car like everyone else," said Lucas, "now you can have fun riding your bike everywhere." In a show of asshole optimism.
by DoktorJ February 28, 2014
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