22 definitions by Doctor Science

Another name for Labor Day, used to make it more interesting and suggestive of what the day could be used for.
-What are you guys up to this Labia Day?

-On Labia Day? What do you think?
by Doctor Science September 5, 2011
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n. A driver who accelerates when you signal to change into their lane, even though they have a lot of space to let you in. Very common in Los Angeles driving. Seeing your turn signal, they instinctually step on the gas, and get right up your a**, like a suppository.
I almost had a bad accident because I changed lanes and that signal suppository nearly rammed into me!

It's so hard to change lanes because of these signal suppositories!
by Doctor Science January 31, 2011
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exclamation for whenever someone invents a new word
A. Don't forget we are meeting for lunch?

B. You reminded me about that already! Are you paranoid that I'll forget? It's like... paranoid nagging! It's "paranoigging"!

A. Urban dictionary time!
by Doctor Science February 26, 2014
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n. the kind of body one develops with years of yoga practice: taller, thin, with legs and buttocks that look like ropes and a bony back and neck.
--"I've been working for years at my yoga, and finally can do all the postures really well."

--"You do seem fit and relaxed, and you wear your yoga body well!"
by Doctor Science March 24, 2012
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noun. A Facebook wall with an emotional complaint, desperate cry for help, or call for attention that draws numerous sympathetic and sentimental comments from Facebook friends.

verb. Making such a post.
She was really close with her pet goldfish, and after it died, her wailing wall had fifty comments! I was impressed that so many people had so much love!

After he got fired, he wailing walled on Facebook and got so much pity that he felt OK being unemployed for a couple of months.
by Doctor Science November 25, 2010
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Friends, family and/or romantic partners who maintain close physical proximity and human contact together while social distancing from the rest of the world during the COVID19 pandemic.
"I'd be so lonely, so deeply all alone, if it weren't for my COVID coven. We love and sustain each other. So more than we could ever do over Zoom."
by Doctor Science March 28, 2020
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going on a fast-- eating nothing-- except turkey. This can be done for several days after Thanksgiving. It cleans out your digestive system and also your fridge.
--There was half a turkey left over after Thanksgiving. So, I decided to detox my body with a turkey fast
by Doctor Science November 24, 2012
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