36 definitions by Doc_B

Formerly known as "multiple personality disorder" and/or "split personality", DID is a severe mental illness in which the person has two or more distinct personalities, which form entirely different memories and characteristics. Commonly confused with schizophrenia.
Dissociative identity disorder is extremely difficult to treat.
by Doc_B April 14, 2015
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A severe and relatively rare form of mental illness in which a significant mood disorder (depression or bipolar disorder) is interspersed with periods of chronic psychosis even when the person's mood is normal. Less than 0.5% of the population are said to have this condition.
by Doc_B April 14, 2015
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An illness of the mind or brain which causes major disruption in a person's thinking, feelings and behaviour, and which is serious enough to require medical intervention. Also known as mental illness or mental disorder.
by Doc_B April 16, 2015
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A state of mental and physical overactivity characterised by pressured speech, racing thoughts, decreased need for sleep, extreme irritability or elation and, not infrequently, delusions and hallucinations (i.e., psychosis). It is most commonly associated with bipolar disorder, a serious mental condition in which sufferers alternate between mania and depression.
True mania is a terrifying thing to witness and rarely forgotten.
by Doc_B May 3, 2015
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A mental disorder marked by alternating periods of deep depression and extreme euphoria (mania). Contrary to popular belief, the violent mood swings associated with this illness are far more prolonged than ordinary emotional ups and downs, and the shifts of mood are sustained, lasting weeks, months or even years. The classic form of this condition is an extremely severe form of psychiatric disease but in more recent times milder variations more depressive-heavy and less manic have been included. It, however, remains very serious in all its forms and no group of people, mentally ill or mentally healthy, commit suicide half as much as manic-depressives do. It's a horrible disease and certainly not to be trivialised as just "mood swings".
People with bipolar kill themselves more than any other group of people. It's some serious shit.
by Doc_B May 1, 2015
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Commonly used to refer to bipolar disorder, a serious psychiatric illness marked by alternating periods of extreme elation or irritability (mania) and severe depression.
Bipolar inflicts havoc on lives.
by Doc_B April 17, 2015
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A mental health condition characterised by recurring panic attacks and subsequent dread and avoidant behaviour in relation to the episodes.
Panic disorder can lead to agorophobia - a disorder which in its severest form renders the individual housebound.
by Doc_B April 14, 2015
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