4 definitions by Dmorg

A way of speaking where the words are out of order in a sentence. And occasionally adding a gurgly "hmmm"
by Dmorg November 18, 2003
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An excuse to space out for a couple of hours when you work in a office cubicle managed by a clueless boss.
Boss: "Johnson, have you sent out those STP reports?"
Johnson: "Uh.... no there was a problem with my computer, it was (insert computer jargon), I've been trouble shooting."
by Dmorg November 17, 2003
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The theme song of a show that tried to rip off the Mr. Ed Talking Horse show, which had a theme song that goes "A horse is a horse, of course, of course..."
"A duck is a duck, it sucks, it sucks..."
by Dmorg October 30, 2003
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Doing things to kill time or boredom.
Doc: Who are you!? What are you doing in the surgery room in which me and my team of world renown surgeons are performing an extremely delicate brain transplant operation??
Bob: Oh I'm just dicking around.
by Dmorg October 30, 2003
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