17 definitions by Dm

That same MMORPG player who is going to kill a certain someone for posting here.
Thamior chops Pyro Elven in half after taking away his hentai and bawls.
by Dm April 5, 2004
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Get me that jaunt right there.
I forgot my jaunt back in my car.
by Dm June 12, 2004
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"Wow, what a DMo."
"that girl's got a DMo."
Can also be said when referring to a girl with an ability to deep throat.
by Dm September 16, 2007
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The absolute best fucking person that ever touched the earth and ever will. Everyone elses purpose on this earth is to help him. All people before him were created to help produce him. He is the epitamy of evolution. After he dies kill yourself becaues there is nothing else worth living for
by Dm November 22, 2003
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The leet COD Coder; xBot/FuRy maker. OpenGL coder
omfg dM your hacks rule!
by Dm May 25, 2004
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An abbreviation of the statement 'Body off Baywatch, Face off Crimewatch'

It describes a lady or gentleman who, despite having a body so hot that it could melt a cheese sandwich from 20ft away, has a facial visage that could rival Shrek for ugliness
"You know that Halle Berry? She's a total bobfoc!"
by Dm November 29, 2004
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