11 definitions by Disco

dammit, Jack blew chowder on my hard-drive
by Disco July 30, 2003
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also see raspy cunt
landen loves old grannies that are fat and hairy
you raspy cunt landen
by Disco June 8, 2003
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rortise is the definition fo fairy find him in #keynsham
by Disco June 8, 2003
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#tramps on quakenet theyre a cpl counterstrike clan
omfg we just got owned by #tramps
by Disco June 8, 2003
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2 conceivable scenarios

1) You’ve actually managed to ‘finish the internet’, so that desperate for something to do you think ‘fuck it, I’ll go for a wank’

2) You’ve got a hangover which would maim an elephant. You’ve just taken a dump who’s splash back made New Orleans look like a puddle. You really can’t face the 15 second walk back to your desk…. So you think ‘fuck it, I’ll have a wank’. Oh, and The release of endorphins cure the headache.
Jesus if I sit here any longer listening to that useless cunt jabbering on her mobile I think I might break something.

I'm going for a work wank.
by Disco October 21, 2005
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My parents were born in Kingston and Maypen but I was born on Toronto, hence I am Jamadian.
by Disco December 30, 2005
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