2 definitions by Dirty sanchez 420

Mere mortals believe that the most flaming insult is "ur mom gay lol".

But these fools do not know the power of the S U P E R G A Y C H A R M.
When activated, the super gay charm makes the target gay times infinity.

Anyone who reads this - your mom now gay times infinity lol
Person 1: Hey ur hair looks bad and ur ugly

Person 2: lmao get ready for this

Person 1: What're u gonna do ugly fat man
Person 2: Super gay charm activated ur mom gay times infinity
Person 1: Literally dies of a coronary on the spot.
by Dirty sanchez 420 April 2, 2018
Get the super gay charm activated ur mom gay times infinity mug.
"Look at that Faggot over there."
"Hold on man, I think he's French."

"Oh, my bad, look at that baguette over there"
by Dirty sanchez 420 July 11, 2017
Get the Baguette mug.