75 definitions by Dirge

something bored students make by sticking saples in a pencil eraser and throwing it on the school cieling so it can stick and annoy the teachers.
Did ya count how many spiders where on the celing today? ~ Me
by Dirge February 16, 2005
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1. a meat by product (I think it's made out of people)
2. junk e-mail
Argh! I really hate Spam!!
by Dirge February 13, 2005
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What the Japs call an Opel/Vauxhall Corsa
Komatsu crashed his Vita into the front of a truck and was dead.
by Dirge October 3, 2004
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Derived from the lingo of CB radio users
Gimme a radio check willya oh and what's yer 20?
by Dirge October 30, 2004
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a movie that's sooo strange it's FREAKIG HILARIOUS!!! starring characters such as Mr. Weight, the Kamikaze Watermelon, Bloing Gloing *dude with umbrella*, and the famous Zeeky H. Bomb
Stick dude 1:"Let's play Toss the H bomb!"
Stick dude 2: "Yah!"
Both: Wheeee!! *bomb drops*
by Dirge February 1, 2005
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a corpse brought back to life to wander the earth and feast on the flesh of the living.
"Corpses! Lumbering, rotting cadavers! What contrivance
could have wrought this...this...this abomination?!?!
Diseased science...?? Blasphemous occult rituals? How can
something so...so dead, yet be so alive?!?! And hungry..!
They lust for flesh...Human flesh...and feast upon all the
sweetbreads a man has to offer!!" ~ Maximillian Roivas (Eternal Darkness)
by Dirge February 1, 2005
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