1 definition by DietTab

The only place in the mall where you can buy resistors, capacitors, and other parts for making bombs with plans you downloaded from the internet.

Also thinks if it drops the "Radio" from it's name it'll become "profitable."
1) RadioShack Customer: "How much for these 4.7kohm resistors, 12V lantern batteries, and 28 AWG wire?"
Clerk: "What's a resistor?"
Customer: "And that's why you can't get paid, moron!"

2)RadioShack Terrorist: "How much for these 4.7kohm resistors, 12V lantern batteries, and 28 AWG wire?"
Clerk: "Excuse me while I call the Department of Homeland Security."
Terrorist: "Allahu Akbar, moron!"
by DietTab December 11, 2009
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